Why Are My TikTok Ads Not Spending?

1) “Ad Group Out Of Budget”

The minimum budget for an Ad campaign on TikTok is $50, and the minimum for each individual ad set is $20.

If you are seeing the error “Ad Group Out Of Budget” it means that you have not allocated enough funds towards the campaign. 

Fix this issue easily by adding more money to your ad campaign. Don't be afraid to spend a little bit more money, the more room you give the algorithm to learn the better results you’ll see towards your Ad goals 

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2) Making Content that isn't suitable for TikTok 

Each platform has its own voice and personality and you have to produce content for each channel with respect to that personality. 

Spend some time in TikTok and learn about how your niche market interacts with its community. Pay attention to trending sounds, videos, and effects that your niche uses.

If you find yourself noticing the same sound or trend a few times in a row, don't be afraid to post your own take on it. Remember to act fast! Trends blow up and die quickly on  TikTok so it’s important to act immediately. 

Additionally, pay attention to community guidelines and make sure you don't violate them. TikTok is unforgiving in its punishment for violations, so just a few missteps could derail your progress. 

3) TikTok Ads Not Spending 

Here are a few reasons your TikTok ads aren't spending:

Remember, you are competing against other advertisers in the same space. Just like any auction, if you set your bids too low, you won’t see any results. Try slowing increasing bids and see if your ads start spending 

  • Too Intensive Targeting 

If you cast too small of a net you won’t end up catching anything, if you cast too large you'll end up targeting the wrong audience and wasting money. Find a happy medium where your audience is large enough to target but small enough that your ad spend doesn't go to waste. 

  • Poor Ad Creative 

Having good ad creative will help boost your ad through TikTok and engage your audience. Take some time to put in effort towards your ads. This sweat equity will pay off when your ads start to convert. Otherwise, you’ll be pushed to the side and ignored. 


When your ads aren't spending, don't panic, TikTok is trying to help you before you waste any of your ad budget. Most likely the reason your ads aren't spending is a simple and easy fix such as not bidding enough or not allocating enough budget towards the campaign. 

If you still find yourself scratching your head about advertising on TikTok, consider reaching out to a Digital Marketing Agency. They have the tools and expertise to manage your campaigns and get you back to what really matters, running your business.

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